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 Caption is a short text which appears on/ below image. It is known as cutline. Caption is also created in photos, graphics, tables, figures, magazines as well as in film and cinema electronics as credit title.

Photo captions, also known as cutlines, are a few lines of text used to explain and elaborate on published photographs.[1] In some cases captions and cutlines are distinguished, where the caption is a short (usually one-line) title/explanation for the photo, while the cutline is a longer, prose block under the caption, generally describing the photograph, giving context, or relating it to the article.[2] Those are ways to make a good captions.

Captions more than a few sentences long are often referred to as a "copy block". They are a type of display copy. Display copy also includes headlines and contrasts with "body copy", such as newspaper articles and magazines.[citation needed] Captions can also be generated by automatic image captioningsoftware. (Source:

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Tips of Creating Captions

Tips One

Even if a picture is worth a thousand words, it still needs a caption to draw readers, provide context and tell the story. Here are some tips for writing effective captions.

  • Check the facts. Be accurate with credit lines, details and anything else that might catch a reader’s eye.
  • Captions should add new information. Don’t merely repeat the story headline or summary, and avoid stating the obvious elements that are captured in the image. The caption should add context to the image, not just duplicate what the reader already sees.
  • Always identify the main people in the photograph.
  • A photograph captures a moment in time. Whenever possible, use present tense. This creates a sense of immediacy and impact.
  • Conversational language works best. Write the caption as though you are talking to a family member or friend.
  • The tone of the caption should match the tone of the image. Don’t try to be humorous when the photo is not.

Taken from Writing Effective Photo Captions, a webinar replay with National Geographic’s David Brindley at Poynter Ne


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