Recount is a kind of text that tell to the reader/listener what happened in the past (Rikon adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kepada pembaca/pendengar apa yang tejadi di masa lalu).
A recount has three elements: orientation, events, and reorientation (Rikon mempunyai 3 unsur: 1_orientasi, 2_kejadian, dan 3_reorientasi).1.ttg who was involved?(siapa yg terlibat),where?(dimana), when it happened?(kapan terjadi).2.ttg rangkaian peristiwa.3.ringkasan peristiwa/kesimpulan pernyataan cerita.Example, click here
A recount has three elements: orientation, events, and reorientation (Rikon mempunyai 3 unsur: 1_orientasi, 2_kejadian, dan 3_reorientasi).1.ttg who was involved?(siapa yg terlibat),where?(dimana), when it happened?(kapan terjadi).2.ttg rangkaian peristiwa.3.ringkasan peristiwa/kesimpulan pernyataan cerita.Example, click here
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