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How To Make Popcorn

You'll need: ¤2 tablespoons popping corn.¤2 tablespoons vegetable oil.¤2 tablespoons sugar. How to make it:1.Pour the oil into a large saucepan an place it on the stove.2.Turn the heat to medium and cook for about two minutes.3.Add the corn to the pan and put the lid on.4.Turn the heat to high until you hear the corn begin to pop.5.Turn the heat to low and cook slowly until the popping stops.Shake the pan occasionally.6.Sprinkle sugar over the popcorn and stir.7.Turn the high for less than one minute.Do8.


The purpose is tell the reader how to do or to make something.(tujuanya memberitahukn kpd pmbaca bagaimana harus melakukn atau membuat sesuatu). STRUCTURE:1.Goal/sasaran;cleraly stated()often in heading.2.Materials&Utensils/Bahan&Pealatan.3.Metods/Metode;the steps are cronological and are numberd or listed(tahapan kronologisnya dan diurutkan/dinomori). The most common example of procedural text is a receipe.(contoh umum teks prosedur adalah resep) example:How To Make Popcorn,How to Succeed,HowToLiveHappily

Narrative's sample

Once upon a time there lived a very famous king.He had a monster which was half bull&half man.He ordered Daedalus,a craftsman from Athens,to build a labyrinth in order to house monster. When Daedalus finished his work,he wnted to leave Crete.But the king wouldn't let him go. Daedalus escaped throuh the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax.He also made wings for his son,Icarus and made him fly behind himself.But his son were so glad and exited that he soon went to high.As he flew nearer the Sun


what is narrative? Narrative is a text that tells a story which is used to entertain and to amuse audiences.(Naratif adalah teks yg menceritakan suatu kisah yg digunakan untuk menghibur dan memukau penonton) STRUCTURE:1.Orientation:who,where,when (pengenalan:siapa,dimana,kapan) 2.Complication:problems (perumitan:masalah) 3.Resolution (penyelesaian) 4.Reorientation: optional (akhir cerita:tambahan). Examples of Narrative texts include: myths,fairytale,science fiction,histirical fiction,romance novel,script.


Recount is a kind of text that tell to the reader/listener what happened in the past (Rikon adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kepada pembaca/pendengar apa yang tejadi di masa lalu). A recount has three elements: orientation, events, and reorientation (Rikon mempunyai 3 unsur: 1_orientasi, 2_kejadian, dan 3_reorientasi).1.ttg who was involved?(siapa yg terlibat),where?(dimana), when it happened?(kapan terjadi).2.ttg rangkaian peristiwa.3.ringkasan peristiwa/kesimpulan pernyataan cerita.Example, click here

Pleasure : Kesenangan

Pleasure:ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kesenangan dan kegembiraan. Expressing pleasure: I'm glad to hear that.(saya senang mendengarnya) I'm happy you like it.(saya bahagia kamu menyukainya) I'm delighted.(saya sangat gembira/senang) It gives me pleasure.(memberiku kesenangan. I can't say how pleased I am.(saya tidak bisa mengatakan alangkah senangnya saya) What a comfortable room!(alangkah menyenangkan ruangannya)

Introduction: Perkenalan

Introduction: tatacara untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri atau orang lain. Berikut ini contoh Mempekenalkan diri sendiri: Hi, I would like to introduce my self (hai, saya ingin perkenalkan diriku). I'm Era/my name is Era (saya Era/namaku Era). Live in Bangka (tinggal di di Bangka). Hobby: swimming and farming (hobi: berenang & bertani). Right now, I'm a teacher (saat ini, saya seorang guru). I teach in Senior High School Bakti (saya mengajar di SMA Bakti). Nice to meet you (senang bertemu anda). Thankyou.

Greeting (Tegur Salam)

Greeting digunakan untuk menyapa orang lain saat bertemu. Contoh> Good morning:selamat pagi(antara pukul 01.00-11.00),Good day:selamat siang(pd waktu tengah hari),Good afternoon: selamat sore(antara pkl 13.00-18.00),Good evening:selamat malam (antara pkl 18.00-24.00),Good bye:selamat tinggal(diucapkan utk berpisah di siang hari),Good night:selamat berpisah(selamat tidur diucapkan pada malam hari). greeting lainnya;untuk perjumpaan: Hi?, Hello?;untuk berpisah:Bye-bye,Cheerio,See you, So long.